Saturday, October 10, 2009

Values Clarification Exercise: Step 3.

Now, take another sheet of paper. At the top, write down the first goal you specified.

Now, think what your life would be like if you achieved this goal. Take some time, close your eyes, stare off into space, go for a walk, jog, work out, watch a movie, have a beer, whatever works for you.

What works for me is to go somewhere out of my main arena where I'm relatively cut off from the world. The beach usually works well. Or up in the mountains somewhere.

Then, write down the answer or answers you came up with in answering this question.

Let's say your goal is to become more widely known. Your vision statement is: "I'm going to a new event at the civic center. It is expected to be well attended. I will know at least 3 people there when I walk in."

When you have something, work on it a little. Revise it. Rework it. Rewrite it. Or not, depending on what you feel will work for you.

Then, do the same thing for each of the other three goals.

By the way, it's okay if you select 5 goals or 3 or 2. Too few goals means you're not shooting high enough. Too many means your efforts will be diluted. But, it has to work for you. Maybe it's better to shoot to high because it's easier to come simplify than to go the other way.

I'm trying to help people network more productively. Is this helping?

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It fuels my publishing outlet, By and for Writers. See where you can get a poem or a short story published.

It is fueled by my reading and thinking and talking about entrepreneurship. For those ideas, go to

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