Monday, August 10, 2009

Todd Duncan's Values Clarification Exercise.

Todd Duncan (Killing the Sale. The 10 Fatal Mistakes Salespeople Make and How to Avoid them. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004, pp. 74-79) recommends you do this to bring out the reason why you were put on earth. Mine was to help people. He says you can go to the book's website, but it wasn't around last time I checked. This is a way you can begin to see if your actions are aligned with your intentions--first you understand your intentions. Then you have to examine your actions. They have to flow from your internal mission.

Step 1: Take a sheet of paper and write down the first ten things that are important to you, i.e. health, family, financial security, traveling, wealth, etc. Anything, just don't list more than 10. And make sure they're 10 different things. If they're sort of the same, combine them. If they're redundant cross one off and add another one.

Step 2: Rank them from top to bottom assigning the most important to #1 and the least important to #10. Then cross off #6 through #10. Then put a deadline by each one. For example, debt free by 2012.

Step 3: Take another sheet of paper and on it write down--

#1. Priority:

Vision Statement

Mission Statement.

Do this for each of the 5 you identified.

Step 4: Under each vision statement, write a vision statement that embodies how you see yourself when you've achieved that goal. If your goal is financial security, you're vision statement might be: "I live debt-free."

Step 5: Under each mission statement, write a statement of how you will achieve that vision, i.e. "I will put $10 in the bank every week."

Something like that. I just made it up. You'll have to do for yourself.

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